Most people, I would argue, have love-hate relationships with their home town. The spots are shitty, so many homies stopped skating, the scene changed. But at the end of the day, there’s no place like home. Ilja always wanted to film a part in his home town Wuppertal. He moved to Berlin years ago yet and had some really productive years after a foot injury knocked him out of the game for 2 years. But the mission remained on his bucket list. In the past months, he spent a lot of time with his Family in Wuppertal and made good use of this isolating time by finally attacking this project. Dennis Harwardt did not hesitate to document these home town sessions.

Talking about things we love about our home town, let Ilja run you though his Best of Wuppertal:
Best spot growing up
Best spot these days
Best spot to meet up
Best local you look(ed) up to
Michael Staschik, Tom Derichs
Best food spot
Mamas Kitchen
Best way to move around town
Schwebebahn đźšź , Bike, Bus
Best local video or edit
Check out 42Gang WPT
Best thing most people don’t know about Wuppertal
City with the most stair sets in Germany.
Little San Francisco vibe
Best thing to do in the winter
Union miniramp!
Best thing to do in the summer
Skating with my homies!!
Feel good always!!!
Best lake/ swimming spot
Wuppertaler Talsperre
Best thing to do when you’re not skating
Best parties happen at
U-club back in the day!
Best reason to visit
Biggest legend in town
Rip . Patrick Möllers
Mosh it down
Mark Frölich
International Contest Hero
Sascha Ewest
Best skatepark ever build
Wicked woods!!!